buttercup relaxing in her new house
28 Oct
today is the sec visit to the vet. was telling the vet about choc chip wanting to mate buttercup and she says that it seems pretty early for choc chip to mate as he have not fully develop his testicles yet. Gosh! i have a premature rabbit on the loose.. :) And that buttercup is still too young to be pregnant so it would be fine for them to be place in the same cage. well straight after that i went to eat den finally go home, was really very tired as the appointment was in the morning and i have barely enough time to rest. but the funny thing is when i reach home after eating, i was not very sleepy. so i n wen jie decide to let my rabbits out to play. so we clear the room to make space for their playpen and i fix up the new house i got for my darlings. they seems pretty happy with their space to play and also their new house. meanwhile, we were watching van wilder and as well as larry and chunk. we totally laugh head over heels, very funny movies, enjoy our time. weather was kind of cosy and soon i feel very sleepy so i went to doze off.... ZZzz